Facebook Like if statuses

Like if you also randomly swearing at everything when you`re mad.
LIKE IF: you ever liked somebody so much you just want to lock yourself in your room, turn on sad music and cry.
LIKE IF Not being able to fall asleep because your to excited for something the next day.♥
LIKE IF When you don`t know what to reply to someone, you ask your best friend what to reply.
Like if When you were little, and you saw a cartoon/movie, you picked your fav character and said "THAT`S ME!!"
LIKE IF you happen to use Rock Paper Scissors for serious decisions! :)
LIKE IF: When I was little "I`m gonna tell your mom" was the scariest sentence ever.
LIKE IF:Sometimes I wonder if anyone is secretly in love with me. ♥
LIKE IF: I say the ENTIRE alphabet because I can`t remember what letter comes next
LIKE IF: I play with my phone when I`m waiting for someone so I don`t look stupid

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