Facebook Like if statuses

LIEK IF: Missing someone so bad that even looking at their photos makes you feel better.
LIKE if your mouth automatically says "shit" when something wrong happens.
LIKE IF:Making unnessesary sounds when your bored.
words to describe me - Romantic. I want kisses in the rain, good morning texts, a loyal relationship. LIKE if you`re a die hard romantic!
LIKE IF : Seeing a picture of yourself, and wondering " Am I that ugly?"
LIKE IF:Still arguing when you know your wrong.
LIKE if:Fighting over who gets to sit in the front seat of the car...
LIKE IF: Using the word, "thingy" when you can`t remember what something is called.
Like if you have ever done one of these things...

1. Gone up a down escalator
2. Tried to make a fish follow your finger
3. Gone in the fridge for no reason
4. Stared at someone to see if they would realize
5. Pretended to drive when in the passengers seat
6. Played air guitar madly
7. Watched water droplets fall down a window to see who would win
8. Picked everything off a pizzza
9. Laughed at a random memory
Like if you tried going back to sleep to see If you can dream that wonderful dream again.

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