Facebook Like if statuses

LIKE IF:one of your jacket strings is longer than the other. :)
LIKE IF:My personality at home is very different when I’m in school.
LIKE IF: When you’re at a friend’s house and you just follow them around because you don’t know what to do...
LIKE IF:I tend to say ``i don`t know`` when i`m too lazy to think.
Like if: your name ALWAYS gets spelt wrong or mispronounced
LIKE IF: When I go to bed, half the time I`m not really sleeping, I`m usually lying there making up scenarios in my head.
LIKE IF:When I`m bored, nobody texts me. But when I`m busy, my phone blows up.
LIKE IF : when I was little, i put my face close to the fan to hear my robot voice.
LIKE IF you love taking mini naps in between texts when you`re laying in bed late at night.♥
LIKE IF: I gotta use the bathroom.... wait! Gotta get my phone!

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