Facebook Like if statuses

LIKE IF: Making sexual noises & saying stupid things when your friends are talking with their parents on the phone.
Like if: Brushing your teeth extra hard right before a dentist appointment.
LIKE IF: Friend: Where are we?! You: I dont know, I was just following you..
LIKE IF: Pretending to be asleep so your parents won`t make you do something.
LIKE IF: Getting a message, and thinking "how do i reply to that ".
LIKE IF:Trying to kill a spider but missed, then thinking: "It`s gonna kill me in my sleep."
LIKE IF: Watching a horror movie and thinking "No don`t kill him! He`s hot!"
LIKE this if you ever feel confused, lost, hurt and lonely....
LIKE if you had those days when you hate the world! And ANYTHINg that happens even dropping your pen makes you want to break down & cry.
LIEK IF: `A, B, C, or D?` ``Well I haven`t had a B for like 4 questions so I`ll choose that"

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