Facebook Like if statuses

LIKE IF: Just because I`m used to it doesn`t mean it doesn`t hurt anymore.
LIKE IF:I check behind the shower curtain for murderers when i go into the bathroom.
LIKE IF:I end up laughing when I pretend to be asleep.
LIKE IF YOU: Pull out your phone in public.. so you don`t look like a loner.
LIKE IF: When People say, "When I was little I..." And I`m just sitting there awkwardly like, "I still do that..."
LIKE IF you have that moment of preperation before stepping onto an escalator
LIKE IF: When I say "nevermind" I really mean you should`ve listened the first time.
LIKE IF:Saying "are you serious?" when someone says or does something stupid.
LIKE IF:Asking your parents for things when they are in a good mood
LIKE IF: Telling your mom something funny & ending up getting yelled at.

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