Facebook Like if statuses

LIKE IF: I`m the type of girl who will rubs her eyes then realizes she had mascara, contacts or eyeliner on.
LIKE IF: When your mom asks you to do something and you say "Ok" but end up never doing it.
LIKE IF happened to you: When it`s quiet in class, and your stomach decides to make that dying whale sound. -_-
LIKE IF: Whenever I try cleaning my room, I either end up making a bigger mess or playing with the stuff I thought I lost.
LIKE IF: Staring at a text trying to figure out how to reply while thinking, damn it`s a good thing we aren`t talking face to face, I`d be screwed.
LIKE IF: When you`re in a relationship and it`s good, even if nothing else in your life is right, you feel like your whole world is complete.
LIKE IF: I like saying "I love you too" when someone says "I hate you."
LIKE IF:Deleting a whole sentence because you can`t spell one word right...
Like If:you want 30hr a day cuz its to short day for you
I love my mom! LIKE if you`re the same!

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