Facebook Like if statuses

LIKE IF :hearing someone calling your name but decide to act like you cant hear them.
LIKE if: Smiling while texting makes my parents think that I have a boyfriend. -__-
LIKE if you have that one friend that Laughs at everything. Even when it`s not funny.
LIKE IF:Sometimes I feel like my life is just a series of awkward moments.
If there wasn`t a `delete history` button, every teenager would be screwed. LIKE if you agree.
Like if:Looking at an old picture & wishing you could go back to that moment.
LIKE IF:Yelling ``STAY!`` at a non-living object that keeps falling over as if it`s going to listen to you.
If you say `beer can` with a british accent, then you are also saying `bacon` with a Jamaican accent. LIKE if you tried it!
LIKE IF:I`m the type of person that will try to make everyone smile, but when I need a smile, no one is there for me.
Like If:You Have a Watch and still You Look at the clock.

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