Facebook Like if statuses

LIKE IF: I need to stop making up impossible scenarios in my head.
LIKE IF You tend to say "I don`t know" when you`re just too lazy to think.
LIKE IF: My shyness has ruined so many opportunities
LIKE IF: Charging your phone 5 minutes before you leave, because you think it will make a difference
LIKE IF ★You automatically start pulling out grass when you sit down on a field★
Like if Not knowing whether to say "today" or "tomorrow" when it`s midnight..
Like if Saying "IM UP!" when you`re actually lying in bed as warm as toast!
LIKE IF : I love my ringtone so much, but when it rings in public, I`m embarrassed..
LIKE IF: I always regret leaving my phone on silent when I can`t find it.
LIKE IF: Saying "bye" more than once when ending a phone conversation.

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