Facebook Like if statuses

"Wow you`re cool." LIKE if you just read that in a sarcastic voice ッ
LIKE IF: It feels a lot better when Strangers randomly compliment you than when one of your friends does.
LIKE IF: I wish I was close with my cousins like I used to be when we were younger.
Like if :Singing with your headphones in & not realizing how loud you are.
like if: I feel my phone vibrate sometimes even when it`s not in my pocket.
Like If: you always say your done with your Ex`s but you still turn around an get into the same mess.
like if I plan out an entire conversation in my head, and it never happens
Like if: Pretending to care about what the birthday card says, but you really just want the money.
Like if Turning into a ninja when your phone is ringing in another room.
LIKE IF: Saying you`ll wake up early in the morning to get something done, then in the morning convincing yourself it`s not important.

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