Facebook Like if statuses

Like if you also tried to make two phones play a song at the same time.
LIKE IF:It’s annoying when people try to tell you what YOU said.
LIKE IF : My level of maturity changes; depending on who I`m with.
LIKE IF:When I`m ignoring a phone call, the phone seems to ring far longer than usual.
LIKE IF: When you are watching a movie with a friend who already saw it and they say, "Oh, watch this part"
LIKE IF During Exams : I turn into an artist, and draw random things on the question paper.
LIKE IF:The only thing that gets me through Thursday, is knowing that - Tomorrow Is Friday.
LIKE IF: you feel obligated to do house work when someone near you is making saying "arr, there is so much to do" then they look at you...
Like if: When you talk to your crush you use that "cool" mood. "Like" you dont really care..
"Hey" , "Hey" , "How r u" , " Good u" , "Good", "What r u doing", "nothing u" , "nothing", LIKE if you hate these convos.

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