Facebook Like if statuses

Like if this happens to you all the time..
You: OMG!!!
Friend: What! Is there a cute boy?
You: NO!
Friend: Then What?
You: Ugh! I forgot :/
LIKE IF Saying "What" but then 1 second later realizing what they said.
LIKE IF Saying, "that`s attractive" after witnessing something very unattractive..
LIKE IF Having one of those days where your hair looks like Hagrid`s from Harry Potter.
LIKE IF:Closing your left and right eye to see how an object changes places when you`re extremely bored..
LIKE if you are NO LONGER friends with someone you ONCE called your "BESTFRIEND"
LIKE if you also Watching a funny movie after a scary one to try to reduce the risk of nightmares.
LIKE IF:There`s always that one person who always catches you doing something weird.
LIKE IF:Hitting your hip on a corner and feeling like you`ve been shot.
LIKE IF: A rejected highfive is one of the biggest insults there is.

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