Facebook Like if statuses

“Like” this post if you think this person is HOT as hell: http://facebook.com/profile.php?=73322363
“Like” this if you know this person: http://facebook.com/profile.php?=73322363
Like if you also have That friend who you always greet with an insult.
LIKE if: Kicking ice cubes under the fridge when they hit the floor.
LIKE IF :Seeing a car in the middle of the mall and thinking, "How the heck did they get that in here?"
LIKE IF you also hate texting people first: because you feel awkward, annoying, and unwanted.
"Wow you`re cool." LIKE if you read that in a sarcastic voice.
LIKE IF: Saying "what" but then one second later realizing what they said.
LIKE IF:When people come over, and your mum suddenly becomes the nicest woman in the world.
LIKE IF:People who wait 4 hours to reply to a text with "lol" should be shot.

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