Facebook Like if statuses

LIKE IF: I can sit in front of my TV watching documentaries and shit for hours.
LIKE IF : You + Your best friend = Fun and trouble.
LIKE IF :Drying only your hands, so you can reply to a text while in the shower.
LIKE IF: CURSING=> Helps relieve pain by 50% percent.
LIKE IF you have those nights where you have second thoughts about everything and nothing feels right...
Like if you also have that friend who you always greet with an insult. :)
LIKE IF: When I was kid I always wanted a treehouse.
LIKE IF: Typing fast and perfectly when you`re alone, but screwing up like crazy when you`re with someone.
LIKE if you can solve this in less than 30 seconds- 1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9x0 = ?
LIKE IF: closing your left and right eye to see how an object changes places when you`re extremely bored.

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