Facebook Like if statuses

LIKE IF: Standing in the shower thinking "I really need a chair in here."
LIKE IF you love people who text back instantly.
LIKE IF: Seeing an attractive person in public and thinking "Damn, I`ll never see them again."
LIKE IF you also Yelling someone`s name in different voices until they hear you.
Age 4: "I love Mommy." Age 16: "I HATE HER." Age 20: "Mom was right" Age 57: "I wish my Mom was still here." LIKE if you love your Mom.
That bitch! LIKE if you thought of someone.
LIKE IF: Charging your phone for 5 minutes before you leave, because you think it will make a difference.
LIKE IF: When a person is getting called for something, I always stand in the back and scream "SHE DOESN`T EVEN GO HERE!"
LIKE IF: I type things into Google to see if I spelled them correctly.
LIKE IF: Every time I argue it ends with "Google That Sh*t"

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