Facebook Like if statuses

LIKE IF : Twitter makes me forget that I have text messages.
LIKE IF: Ignoring the world when your crush is texting you.
LIKE IF:Saying, "DUDE..." before saying something important to a friend
LIKE IF you love it when a baby holds your one finger.
Did you know? If you say "Raise Up Lights" you just said "Razor Blades" in an Australian accent! :) LIKE if you tried it.
LIKE IF you also know a douche named Tyler.
Like if you also have that one friend that looks Chinese but isn`t.
Like if you also have that one friend who doesn`t know how to whisper.
LIKE IF: When you first joined Twitter you never thought this shit would be this addictive.
LIKE IF you also have that mysterious toothbrush in the bathroom that nobody in your family uses..

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