Facebook Like if statuses

LIKE IF : I HAVE TO wet my toothbrush, put the toothpaste on, then re-wet my toothbrush in order for me to brush my teeth.
LIKE if you like food more than people.
If you LIKE this you will yawn.
LIKE IF: I don`t care if it`s 5 A.M. I don`t consider it "tomorrow" until I wake up.
Like if you also hiding your favorite food from the rest of your family.
LIKE IF : Slapping your best friend when you get excited about something.
LIKE IF you also Saying "okay" a million times just to get your parents to stop talking.
LIKE IF: When I was younger, whenever I saw a limo, I thought someone famous was in it.
LIKE IF: When I was a kid, I used to close the refrigerator slowly to see the light turns off.
LIKE IF: Trying not to think about one person you don`t like, but on the inside you truly do.

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