Facebook Like if statuses

Like if you also change the date on your homework to make it seem like you did it earlier.
LIKE IF your bed is more comfortable in the morning than it is at night.
LIKE IF: When I say I won`t tell anyone, my best friend doesn`t count...
LIKE If you ask me to hold your drink, I will drink it.
LIKE IF: When I was little I used to say a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, ELEMENO p..
LIKE if you think Apple should have replaced Siri with Morgan Freeman on the iPhone 5.
LIKE IF you also smile at someone that hates you just to piss them off more.
LIKE IF Disney Channel should just stop making new shows and replay all the old ones.
Odontophobia is the fear of teeth. LIKE if you are afraid of teeth!
LIKE IF you also Disagree with someone just to annoy them.

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