Facebook Like if statuses
LIKE If you don’t talk in a group chat for 5 mins you miss 42 sets of plans and 56 arguments but if you say something you don’t get a reply
LIKE IF : I pretty much spend all day, every day looking forward to going back to sleep
Hardest thing to answer: Describe yourself.
LIKE IF #GrowingUpTheOldestChild getting the blame for everything even when you weren`t there when it happened
LIKE IF sleeping is so hard when you can`t stop thinking
*spends $7.00*
"Okay I need to calm down with all this spending"
LIKE IF you ever get in those really weird moods that you can`t even explain what you`re feeling it`s like everythings mixed together all at once
LIKE IF 90% of the contacts in your phone are useless
me: *packs 3 hours before leaving for a trip*
me: *unpacks 3 months after coming home*
LIKE IF : people who care about how your day was are the best people!