Facebook Like if statuses

If you can LIKE this with your tongue, you`re a good kisser.
Like if you also think that the hardest thing to answer is: Describe yourself.
LIKE IF:I have to wet my toothbrush, put the toothpaste on, then re-wet my toothbrush in order for me to brush my teeth.
LIKE IF: It`s annoying when people try to tell you what "you" said.
I have never seen a pregnant chinese woman! LIKE if you haven`t either!
LIKE IF your maturity level depends on who you are with.
LIKE IF you also become the most religious person the day before a test.
Like if you also have that one friend who doesn`t know how to whisper.
LIKE IF : When I was kid, my social network was called "outside".
LIKE IF: My shyness has ruined so many good opportunities.

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