Facebook Like if statuses
Like if you also glad to live in a time where being social doesn’t require making eye contact.
Try to say the letter M without your lips touching. Like if you tried it and failed :)
Like if you ever noticed..... When you`re hiding you always have to pee?
LIKE if you are the kinda person who looks both ways when crossing a one way street.
Like if you also never actually heard a baby say "Goo goo ga ga".
Like if 90% of the contacts in your phone are useless.
Like if your bed is a magical place where you can suddenly remember everything you were supposed to do.
Womens only - Like if: None of my yoga pants have actually ever been to yoga.
LIKE IF: Me: "Yes, mom I understand!"
*2 minutes later*
"Wait, what did she want me to do again??"
Like this if you`re not the same person that you were an year ago.