Facebook Like if statuses
Like if you also think there`s a point in every friendship when girls/boys stop being friends and become sisters/brothers.
LIKE if you are BORED.
LIKE IF: When someone says "I like your shirt", I look down to see what I am wearing.
LIKE IF you also take the L and R on your headphones seriously.
Like if you have click two times the End call button to make sure it is really cancel.
LIKE IF having cute underwear makes you feel a whole lot better about yourself.
Only LIKE this if your name is not Steve.
LIKE IF IT HAPPENED TO YOU: Leaving the house for the day, realizing your forgot your phone, and your parents refuse to turn around to go back
LIKE IF: Sometimes I open a text and mentally respond, but forget to actually respond.
LIKE This If Your Parents have ever Called you with wrong name. :)