Facebook Like if statuses

You cannot talk while inhaling through your nose. Like if you tried :)
70% of people tend to look down at their cell phone just to avoid someone who is walking by. Like if you`re one of them.
After waking up from a good dream, 70% of people attempt to imagine how it would have ended. Like if you one of them.
LIKE IF: sometimes when I find something funny, instead of laughing I just breath a little bit more out of my nose than normal
80% of people who graduate from High School but don`t attend College, never read another book in their entire life. Like if you`re in this 80% .
LIKE IF: In boring classes, I always improve my drawing skills...
Did you know? If you say "Raise Up Lights" you just said "Razor Blades" in an Australian accent! :) #LIKE if you tried it.
LIKE IF you also hate that annoying moment when somebody sits in front of you at the movie theater and takes away your foot rest..
LIKE IF : When someone asks me for a pencil, I always give them the crappiest one. :)
Like if one of your Facebook friends is your crush!

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