Facebook Like if statuses

LIKE IF : I love buying new things but i hate spending money
Like if : fresh bed sheets are absolute heaven
Three reasons to stand up:
1. To get the remote
2. To go to the bathroom
3. Because you`re the real Slim Shady.
Like if you also think only 1990 kids will get the joke :)
Like if you ever wonder if someone’s like secretly in love with you
Like if : Staring at a text for 5 minutes trying to figure out how to respond.
LIKE if you want to make a difference in the world
LIKE if you want to meet yourself from someone else’s point of view.
Like if you also refuse to take even a single bite of your food until you find something good on TV. :) #food
Like if you`re Saying "OKAY" just to get your parents to stop talking.
LIKE IF you ever just want to redecorate your bedroom & buy new clothes & completely reinvent yourself but then realize it takes time & money

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