Facebook Like if statuses

LIKE IF: You Philosophize in the shower for 30 minutes then wash for 5 minutes.
LIKE IF : Laughing at something funny and farting, which provokes more laughter which produces more farts, more laughs, more farts....
LIKE IF: Checking your phone for the time rather that looking at the time on the computer.
LIKE IF : Closing your left and right eye to see how an object changes places
LIKE if you ever wish you had a second chance to meet someone again for the first time.
The man who treats his woman as a queen is deserved to live as a king. LIKE if you too Agree
LIKE if: I will carry 20 grocery bags so I don`t have to make a second trip
LIKE IF Getting annoyed after illegally downloading music when it turns out to be bad quality.
LIKE IF Knowing your family so well, you can tell who`s coming down the stairs by the sound of their footsteps.
LIKE IF: packs 2 hours before leaving for a trip unpacks 3 months after coming home

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