Facebook Like if statuses

LIKE IF : I always end up laughing when i pretend to be asleep.
Finding something that was supposed to be really expensive for really cheap. #ILike
LIKE IF constantly buying things and then wondering why you`re so damn poor
LIKE IF you say "don`t touch me" at least 10 times a day.
LIKE IF: Everything magically appears when your mom looks for it.
LIKE IF 90% of the contacts in your phone are useless
LIKE IF YOU sing too much for someone who can`t sing.
LIKE IF you had that moment when disagreeing with someone just to annoy them.
LIKE IF you ever just smell an old perfume, or hear an old song, or pass an old hangout spot and kinda break inside for a couple minutes
Like if you had that moment when you still getting ready and your friends text you "we here"

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