Facebook Pickup facebook statuses

Smile, it’s the second best thing you can do with your lips.
Guy: I have two words Girl: What are they? Guy: I love you. Girl: But that`s three words.. Guy: no, because you and I count as one. <3
You are a 9.999. Well, you`d be a perfect 10 if you were with me
I think even if I never met you; I would still miss you.
When someone is flirting with you.. Please cooperate.
You`ve got the cutest smile, eyes that shine like the stars and words that could brighten up anybody’s day.
You caught me staring, but I caught you staring back.
My Future Wife will LOVE how I seduce her. She has NO idea what she is in for..
is looking for a meaningful overnight relationship
We have so much in common. You want to travel,I want you to go .

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