Facebook Pickup facebook statuses

Sometimes, "I`m single" means "I`m drama free" "less stressed" and "I refuse to settle for less."
Is still single... but thinking about someone on my Facebook friend list :p
I feel bad for everyone that isn`t dating me.
Stop waiting for the right person to come into your life. Be the right person to come to someone`s life.
They say when penguins find their mate, they stay together for the rest of their lives ♥...will you be my penguin?
I`m not single and I`m not taken. I`m simply on reserve for the one who deserves my heart
For every girl with a broken heart, there`s a guy with a glue gun.
I was going to give you a dirty look, but it seems you already have one.
Let`s flip a coin. If heads your mine, if tails, let`s flip again.
When I saw your smile for the first time I thought I was in paradise.

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