Facebook Pickup facebook statuses

Hey you yes you the one reading this you`re beautiful/handsome and don`t you let anyone tell you any different!
Do you have a map? Cause I keep getting lost in those eyes.
Don`t wait too long, you might miss your chance.
Did you invent the airplane? Cause you seem Wright for me.
Do you know who you’re being for Halloween? Because I was thinking to go as Bruno Mars and you can go just the way you are.
On a scale from 1 to 10, you’re a 9 and I’m the 1 you need.
I know I’m pretty damn great, but I’ve never been this close to perfection.
[at the beach]
`Excuse me, but a shark just ate my only friend. I was wondering if you could be my new one.`
I’ll cook you dinner if you cook me breakfast.
I want to be your favorite hello and your hardest goodbye.

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