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I remember everything you think I forgot.
I`m not afraid to lose anyone that isn`t afraid of losing me.
I don`t mean to interrupt people. I just randomly remember things and get really excited.
My favorite thing about school is sitting with my friend and flipping through a textbook pointing at ugly pictures and saying... That’s you!
One bad decision is called a mistake. A couple bad decisions is called stupidity. Several bad decisions is called "My Life".
If running away from my problems counts as exercise then yes, I work out a lot.
Nobody wants to hear this, but sometimes the person you want most, is the person you`re best without.
I remember way too many small details about people so i have to act dumb sometimes so i don’t freak them out
life is so hard when your best friend is a 9.5/10 and you`re a strong 4 with the right filter and lighting
If I could have one super power it would be the ability to literally smack sense into people.

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