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i’m that kind of person who between two choices always pick the wrong one
Am I the only one who uses their foot to flush the toilet in public rest room?
I`ve forgotten what it`s like to have a normal sleeping pattern..
That depressing moment when you wake up during the best part of your dream.
we think cats are adorable no matter how skinny or fat they are so why do we treat humans any differently
Why do girls associate their selfies with a deep yet irrelevant quote i do not understand the correlation
Stop trying to make this a competition honey, cause I`ve already won...oh and by the way, how does that bench on the sidelines feel?
come here, honey, let me get that. You still have a little bullshit running down the sides of your mouth
needs an "out of order" sign today :( <3
I`m sorry hun, but;my back isn`t a voice mail. Say it to my face. :)

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