Facebook Sharing thoughts statuses

I`m the nicest rude person you`ll ever meet. I don`t give a fuck about anything but at the same time, I care about alot.
when your friend accidentally says something your parents weren’t supposed to know about
wearing all black today to mourn the death of my motivation
words i started using ironically but can`t stop saying: • bro/bruh • bae • rad • totes • yaaas
people who compliment me are wonderful like thank u god bless u
I don`t need more friends, I need more money
3 selfies as your background, a selfie as your avi & tweet selfies. Yet you still have no boyfriend. Try to love someone other than you
I don`t hate you. I just... It`s just that... Ok never mind... I hate you.
Invest in people who communicate like you & understand you. You don`t need to waste time trying to translate yourself to the wrong people.
Crossfit is what takes people who think they`re in good shape down a few pegs.

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