Facebook Sharing thoughts statuses

If you say your hair has never annoyed you to the point of wanting to shave your head you`re lying....
My snapchat has gotten to the point that if you snap me twice you`re in my best friends
I`m constantly torn between “if it’s meant to be, it will be” and “if you want it, go get it"
I`m ready for cold nights and sweater weather. ❄
in the mood to go for a walk
I wanted to work out but then I wanted to not work out more.
Don`t waste your time with Explanations, people only hear what they want to hear..
walking into your room and saying "damn, I need to clean this.." then walking out.
I`ve never been really good at not speaking my mind.
95% of the time when I`m smiling at my phone it`s because of something I said, not something someone sent me. I`m hilarious

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