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I like those friends that you don`t have to talk to every day but you`re still friends even if you go weeks without talking.
"k", “ok", and “okay" are 3 very different things
I`m just thankful for the people that never left me.
It`s better to be single with standards than in a relationship settling for less.
I say "alright" , "whatever" or "I guess" when I don`t feel like arguing
I really hate that "not good enough" feeling.
I say "I don`t know" to everything when I`m in a bad mood.
If you hold back your feelings because you`re afraid of getting hurt, you end up hurting anyway.
I honestly do not watch the news because it`s always full of negativity.
I don`t care if it`s 1am, 2am 3am, or 4am. If you call and I care about you...I will answer.

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