Facebook Sharing thoughts statuses

If I had a dollar for every time someone spelled my name wrong, I could pay for college, semester abroad, a new car, and a mansion in cash.
There`s that point in life where you realize which friends make an effort and which ones don`t!
Before social networking you could just completely forget someone existed. And it was great.
I’m constantly torn between the ‘be kind to everyone’ and the ‘fuck everyone you owe them nothing’ mentalities.
Our parents need to understand that our generation is way different than theirs
do u ever watch a movie and realize u have to watch it again because u were on ur phone the whole time
Getting a text from that special someone right when you`ve felt like they forgot about you.
Why can`t feelings just be easy to express?
imagine reading a book of all the lies you’ve told
kinda want to go out of state so I can just restart my life with completely new people and never see any one of you again

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