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when someone switches lanes to pass you & ends up getting stuck behind someone slower
Old people drive like they have all the time in the world, while young people drive like they are running out of time.
my morning routine includes 20 minutes of staring at the ceiling thinking about how tired I am and debating if I really need to live today.
"OMG you look so much better when you don`t wear your glasses."
Well you look better when I don`t wear my glasses too.
actors kiss each other for like 10 seasons and don`t fall in love but when someone holds the door for me i think about it for like 5 months
Some days I want to be a CEO in New York and some days I want to chill in a beach town for the rest of my life there is no in between
When u wanna tweet something but it`s that direct u might as well put it in an envelope & post it to their house so u have to stop yourself
"No scrubs" was released in 1999. Why, in 2016 do boys still holler at us from the passengers side of their best friends ride?
On any given day, someone is probably having the best day of their life.
When you`re trying to have a positive attitude but life keeps testing you

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