Facebook Sharing thoughts statuses

Classic Dad Moves : Saying "This is what my taxpayer dollars are going to?" whenever the government fails him
Classic Dad Moves giving you a full on forecast when you ask him for the temperature
Having as many children as possible so there is more votes for the Republican party
Be strong and smile at life, even though it hurts sometimes.
Always fight for the things you love.
sleeping in an oversized hoodie seems like a good idea until its 2am and it feels like you’re taking a bath with satan
Some friends aren`t really friends... They`re family.
when u dont get a text back but u see them posting on social media
I would like to be financially, emotionally, and physically stabled before I bring any kids in this world.
S/O to friends I dont talk to anymore, life got crazy but we had a good run & our memories are priceless, I hope everything is going good.

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