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they call me special, but i like to think im a special edition ;)
is wondering.... if money doesn`t grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?
is wondering: Shouldn’t all ghosts be naked? It’s not like your clothes die too.
I was thinking if i were to shampoo a hamster and then blow dry it would it look like one of those pom pom cheer leading things
there are 365 days in a year but only 360 degrees in a circle. What happened to the other 5?
Doctors use alcohol to kill germs and clean hands, therefore drinking it cleans my insides and is healthy. Well that`s all the logic I need.
wondering if they could invent a self cleaning oven, why can’t they invent a self cleaning house?
Dear Coffee, Thank you for always being here for me every morning to wake me up and give me lots of energy...I couldn`t do it without you! Love, Me!
The weekend went by and I don’t remember any of it. That’s a good thing right?
wishes that I could tell people to slip into something more comfortable… like a coma!

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