Facebook Sharing thoughts statuses

people need to stop judging other people and just look in the mirror
if you had to choose, would you rather eat a cake that tasted like poop, or poop that taste like cake...?
If you`re talking about me behind my back that just means my life is obviously more interesting that yours.
Having so many private jokes with your best friend, that it seems like you talk in code half the time.
It feels like when Im in a bad mood; everyone else Is in a good mood and when Im in a good mood everyone is In in a bad mood
Is it just me or whenever you pull out a pack of gum everyone is suddenly your friend?
Dear Me. You`re the sexiest thing that has ever walked this earth. Love, me.
I hate when people bring up a mistake you made a long time ago.
That akward moment when you see someone that looks like someone you know, and you scream their name, and its not them.
I hate those awkward moments when your friends parents are yelling at them.