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Old doors close so new ones can open. Don`t get stuck on what fell apart just because it hurts. Transformation requires growth & letting go
When someone does you wrong then tries to come back into your life but you already told your mom about them
when you`re just trying to enjoy your summer but every bug from the 7th circle of hell is out
This is how my week goes: Mooooonnnnnddaaaaaaaaay Tueeeesssdaaaaaaayyyyy Weeedddnnnesssdayyyyy Thursssssdaaaaaaaayyyyy FridaySaturdaySunday.
When you forgave her 72 times for the same thing but when you move on you`re the "unloyal " one
i gotta carry my phone around with me 24/7 just in case nobody texts me
rereading old messages can either make you really happy or really sad, there is really no in between
when you have the perfect insult but you don`t know if its worth the drama it`s gonna start
When you`ve repeated yourself too many times and you`re trying to keep it together before u really slap that person
Shoutout to everyone trying to get their life together. Working on yourself is the hardest part of life. Keep going, no matter where you are

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