Facebook Sharing thoughts statuses

I hate when someone makes me forget what I`m about to say.
Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?
Trying to find your phone when its on silent is one of life`s hardest tasks.
I usually don`t care what people are saying UNTIL they start whispering.
I wonder what the person I`m going to marry is doing right now.
That Awkward Moment When your crush asks you, "Who do you like?"
Before going to sleep tonight i want to take this opportunity to say that "I LOVE YOU ALL"... Good Night :)
I hate it when I can`t stop thinking about that one person, and deep down inside I know they probably haven`t thought about me once.
AM I THE ONLY ONE; who thinks they look better in the mirror, before they take the picture?
It`s amazing what you can do when you try.