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If a celebrity wants to date another celebrity they can just Google each other to find out there dirty details. Us regular people can`t.
I`d rather have a life full of mistakes then a heart full of regret.
Let`s cut to the chase. What do you really want?
If you hate me, takes a turn, find your seat and wait for me to care. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I`m not a bitch, I just have a low bullshit tolerance.
After sending a risky text, a minute feels like an eternity
Avoiding looking at someone, because you know they`re looking at you.
sharing one hour with other friends to think about all those who have been affected by cancer....
Whenever I learn a new word I seem to hear it EVERYWHERE!!
Dear life, give me a break. Sincerely, someone who needs it much.