Facebook Sharing thoughts statuses

I`m mistaken for a flirt when I`m friendly, a bitch when I`m blunt, and shy when I`m quiet. Get to know me before you start assuming things.
I`m not ignoring you, I`m waiting to see if you`ll make an effort...it`s different..
I hate when plans get cancelled at the last minute.
I hate it when you say the right answer multiple times, then someone else says your answer and they get credit.
I try not to look when I know someone is staring at me
It`s really nice how some people can make you smile, just by thinking about them.
----///-\----Put This
---|||---|||---On Your
---|||---|||---account If
---|||---|||---You Know
-----\///--Who has Died
---///--\-Or Fighting it
Dear future, I`m scared you`ll turn out the way my past did. Sincerely, present.
Whenever you feel like having no one by your side. Remember that you still have me, I`ll be there (:
I wasn`t being mean. I was being honest.