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What do sheep count when they can’t sleep?
That Awkward Moment when you finish watching a TV series and you don’t know what to do with your life any more.
That Awkward Moment when you`re taking a picture of yourself and someone sees you.
That Awkward Moment when you`re trying to end a conversation and the other person won`t stop talking.
I hate that feeling when everyone around me is in a relationship and I`m awkwardly sitting there like: "..I love my dog."
I wish I could fast-forward time, just to see if in the end it`s all worth it.
That awkward moment when people think they`re funny, but they`re just annoying..
STOP MOVING, I am trying to read your shirt!
Always stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone.
I`m proud of my heart. It`s been played, stabbed, cheated, burned and broken, but somehow still works.