Facebook Sharing thoughts statuses

Dear Parents, thanks for giving me such a weird name. Sincerely, my name is never on those customized keychains.
Looking at old pictures & noticing how lame you were when you were younger.
Admit it, you should be doing something else really important right now but came online instead.
If you exchanged phones with your partner for a day, will they still trust you afterwards? :)
Putting on jeans: Left leg, right leg, wiggle, jump, done! Who else does this? ;]
I wonder if aliens ask each other. Do you believe in HUMANS?
I have a confession to make. I was born with a rare disease called "Amazing." ;)
Starting today, I need to forget what`s gone, appreciate what still remains, and look forward to what is coming next.
Dear Mom, If all my friends jumped off a cliff, it`s because it was my idea. Sincerely, Your child is a leader, not a follower.
Those texts you accidentally send to the wrong person are ALWAYS the worst ones.