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It`s not actually a "long story", it`s a short story that I just don`t want to tell you.
Everytime I hear someone say "excuse me" I think "Your a hell of a guy".
Ever looked at your best-friend and thought `why aren`t we comedians???
I`m really not the jealous type, but What`s mine is mine.. That is all!
It`s impossible to say "I wasn`t talking to you" politely.
My whole life is like a romantic comedy, more comedy than romance but you get the idea.
The phrase `I need to talk to you.` has the ability to strike fear into the heart of anyone.
The sound of children laughing makes me happy. Unless I`m home alone & my power goes out.
That awesome moment when you`re telling a lie and your best friend notices and joins you.
I always thought I was the only one to do stupid things. Until I joined TWITTER :D