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4 wishes: 1) To earn money without working. 2) To be smart without studying. 3) To love without being hurt. 4) Eat without getting fat.
I always wonder what people think when they first see me.
That awesome feeling when someone`s making an effort to make you smile.
Even real bad-asses like myself like to lay down at night in bead, thinking about everything..
We all have this one movie that we haven`t seen yet and everyone else has.
Should I hate you because you hurt me? Or should I love you because you made me feel special?
Every once and a while, I can control my dreams. It`s awesome.
I have a smart phone with a dumb battery.
Oh, you only live once? I had no idea, please tell me more.
Stop saying "I PROMISE" Start saying “I’LL DO IT”