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I wonder why that missing sock you are looking for appears a week after you throw away the other one...
You took 20 minutes to text me back? Bitch I`ll take 21.
Me every year: "Wow I was so stupid last year."
Who else used to put their thumb over the flashlight to see it glow?
That mini heart attack you get when someone says - "Guess what I heard about you.."
It`s impressive how little information I need on someone before I decide I don`t like them.
Think, Speak. Why is this concept so hard for so many?
Dear sleep, I know we had problems when I was younger, but now I love you.
Why is it that everytime I need you, You`re not there
Dear God, Today I woke up. I am alive. I am healthy. Can`t ask for more. Thank you.