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BIGGEST LIE EVER; "I won`t laugh! I promise"
When somebody says “You`re kind of cute".... what the hell do you mean "kind of"?
There`s always that one employee who stares at you like you`re about to steal something.
Oprah makes: $315,000,000/year $26,000,000/month $6,000,000/week $850,000/day $35,000/hour $600/minute $10/second Jealous? Me too.
Guilty people answer questions with a question.
They should have cell phone chargers in waiting rooms instead of magazines.
Dear phone companies, please make all phones have the same phone charger.
When I was kid, whenever I saw an abandoned dog on the street, I wanted to take him home.
I used to think I`d catch a cold simply by being in cold weather for too long.
I`m not hiding anything, but stop looking at my phone while I`m texting.