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I wonder if caterpillars know they`re gonna fly some day or they just start building a cocoon and are like `why am I doing this`.
Sometimes I regret being nice, apologizing when I didn`t do anything wrong, and for making unworthy people a priority in my life.
you judge everyone, yet you ask them not to judge you.
that one person everyone loves and you’re just like w
I can`t wait for it to be summer. No school, no worries, long nights and amazing memories.
Wanting to talk to him, but at the same time you don`t want to because you think you`re annoying.
I always look through a textbook with a friend and point at a random picture saying "That`s you"
Is there a way to send little sisters to... maybe... I don`t know... a land far, far , far away?
Who else had one of those pens with five colors, and tried to push all the buttons at once?
Year 8`s hanging around town with their scooters make me laugh