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If you invite me to a party please make sure to have a cat or dog present so I have someone to hang out with.
dude is a gender neutral term if you think differently you are wrong
laugh or show any emotion while sick once and parents will think you’re well enough to go to school
I got like 16 different laughs and they all ugly
ANY girl can become my friend literally just hmu in my dms like "girl u will not believe this mf" WHAT HE DO BABE WHAT HE DO
sad that no one burns CD`s for their babes anymore. i want a CD with "4 shawty" written on it w black sharpie
Growing up is realizing that the bottom bunk is probably more convenient.
I look at some girls tweets and think we`d make such good friends but I defo can`t just slide into a girls dm`s saying that lol
I wish getting out of bed was as easy as getting into bed
How boring when someone asks what ur doing and u say shopping & they`re like "what did u get me

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